World leader in enterprise-storage data recovery.
From XSAN to HP LeftHand, From EMC to Dell Equalogic Any RAID type, we recover it all... 24/7
- New York Magazine
Ethics and AI
There are a few leading technology companies with ample resources who are the forefront of developing tomorrow’s most innovative AI. These companies are moving faster than the government can regulate the industry. There are very few laws or regulations on the books to address AI, so that the public has assurance that what they are using is safe.
According to a recent survey from the company SnapLogic, 94 percent of IT decision makers across the US and UK believe that more attention needs to be paid to corporate responsibility and ethics in AI. With advancements being made in autonomous vehicles, healthcare and medicine, environmental technology, and more, it’s critical that AI companies keep the safety of the public in mind. Below are a few steps they can take to create a safer, more ethical AI environment.
Comply with Regulations That Are on the Books
It may be common sense, but the need to comply can go by the wayside in technological competitiveness.
In the US healthcare industry, AI would be governed by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), or possibly other federal and state laws. If companies have any European customers or employees, they would be governed by General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
It’s critical that companies producing AI follow the regulations that are on the books.
Take Control of Data
Data is the gasoline that fuels AI. It’s critical to make sure that the body of data collected is representative of the body of people who will be using the model. This means that data scientists need to continue to use best practices to serve potential customers.
As technology advances, guarding data is an imperative step in protecting the integrity of your technology. When data is compromised, either through hackers or an inadvertent loss of personal data, the public trust is undermined. It’s critical to have secure firewalls in place, and reliable data backups. It’s also critical to have a data recovery plan in place, in the event that operational data is lost. This may mean understanding when a data recovery company may be your best bet to be able to recover from data loss.
Define and Live by Our Values
As more industries become increasingly automated and autonomous, there needs to be a higher standard than statistical accuracy. AI will be empowered to make an increasing number of decisions that may come into conflict with our ethics and values. For example, machines may be making decisions on a defendant’s innocence or guilt. They may decide who will be impacted most in a car accident. They may be making important medical decisions for us in healthcare.
It’s critical that AI know when to default to human ethics over a purely statistical decision. This requires societies to define and live by their values. The decisions made will ensure that our AI is a tool that works on our behalf, and not the other way around.
AI Is Here to Stay
AI will play an increasingly large role in a number of existing and emerging industries. It will be automating roles that currently require human intervention. As that happens, it’s critical to keep humans’ best interest in mind. By following the steps above, we can create AI systems that are ethical and safe.
Technology’s Positive Impact on Climate Change
Data and technology are everywhere. As we collect more information and more data sets, some of the technology that we create is having a significantly positive impact on the environment and climate change.
Below are some of the technologies that are allowing humans to make a positive dent on this issue. As we discover new opportunities to implement technology, there are more opportunities at our fingertips for change. In the midst of this heavy reliance on information, data recovery can play an important role in this key issue.
Technology Is Positively Impacting Climate Change
Data Storage That’s Out of This World
Data centers scattered across the US make up about 2 percent of our national electricity consumption. That’s an amount that significantly contributes to rising carbon emissions. These data centers spew 100 million metric tons of carbon pollution annually, which is more than the greenhouse gas emissions of 140 countries.
To thwart this problem, there are companies looking to store data on satellites that orbit the earth. These satellites could simplify large-scale international operations, and offer an added layer of security, with data stored on a satellite. When these satellites break down, they’ll not only need highly trained mechanics to fix the issues, but data recovery specialists who can help properly restore the integrity of the equipment.
Smarter Cities
Urban greenhouse gas emissions are significant. Businesses, homes, schools, and hospitals all give off a significant amount of emissions. In fact, these sources are responsible for almost 20 percent of the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.
A company called Sidewalk Labs, owned by Google’s parent company, Alphabet, is addressing this issue, by examining ways that digital technologies can help with these problems. They’re reexamining things like traffic patterns to eliminate places of common congestion. Other major tech companies around the world have also committed significant investments in how to reduce emissions in urban areas as well.
More Efficient Transportation
Oil alternatives are already on the market, including electric, solar, and ethanol. But part of the hang up with this type of technology is that it’s just not as efficient and widespread as traditional gasoline. For instance, if you need to charge your electric vehicle, it can take hours, instead of the moments spent at the gas station.
A prototype charger for BMW and Porsche vehicles is capable of adding 62 miles of range to your vehicle in three minutes. It may be a while before this type of charger is commonplace, but when it is, electric vehicle ownership will become more convenient.
Food and Agriculture
As the world’s population continues to increase, finding enough sources of meat will become an increasingly difficult challenge. This is especially true because cows are a significant source of methane gas, and agriculture accounts for 18 percent of the total release of greenhouse gases worldwide.
There are companies and investors looking heavily into the possibility of lab-grown meat, and plant-based alternatives. The company Beyond produces a plant-based alternative that is growing in popularity. As the world becomes more and more crowded, technology is finding more efficient ways to feed the increasing population.
Technology as Part of the Solution
As the problem of climate change continues to present itself in different ways, technology and data collection provide new answers. There are companies working hard to solve tomorrow’s most pressing issues. As this data-driven technology advances, there will be new and exciting opportunities for data recovery as well.
Taking Advantage of a Digital Native Workforce
There is a generation of employees becoming involved in the workplace who grew up with technology playing a significant role in their personal life, and in their education. They are not only comfortable with that technology but expect it to be part of the workplace environment. If your company is holding on to more traditional views of technology, it may be time to make some updates and take advantage of what a younger generation of workers can offer.
Below are some of the steps your company can take to take advantage of a strong digital native workforce.
Encourage Good Ideas from Everywhere
Social media networks implicitly encourage conversation and the spread of ideas from the bottom up. They offer a distinct opposite to a more traditional, hierarchical approach. The youngest generation of workers grew up with social media present through every aspect of their lives.
Social media networks provide the groundwork to encourage and foster new ideas. These ideas can be of great benefit to your business. If your company still operates on a more hierarchical approach, it may be time to shift and find ways to encourage new ideas. Involving social media in the workplace can make your youngest employees feel more welcome.
View Change from a Results-Oriented Perspective
To an employee with a more traditional mindset, seeing a colleague constantly on their cell phone during work hours may be problematic. Receiving texts outside the normal work hours may feel off-putting. But this is where it’s necessary to consider overall results. The employee on their cell phone may be handling customer service issues as they arise. What looks like succumbing to distraction may actually be enhanced productivity.
The Cloud and Mobility
Cloud computing is nothing new for young employees. They’ve been using the cloud to store music and photos for a long time, and they are growing to expect that capability from an employer.
A transition to the cloud and mobile apps allows workers to do their job from anywhere. This can allow for more flexibility, and the ability to find effective methods for communicating. It also changes what we think of as the workplace and can provide the infrastructure for a work from home arrangement.
This is an increasingly important arrangement for younger workers and can offer an incentive for workers to remain loyal into the future.
Establishing the Right Tools
Companies need to implement the right set of tools to allow workers this extended connectivity and flexibility. There are a host of SaaS platforms available looking at all aspects of today’s workplace needs.
Applications like Slack, Trello, or Basecamp are establishing their own means of connectivity. They offer a way to fight back against inner-office silos and make information more readily accessible on all fronts.
Attracting the Best Talent
The key to long-term success for any company is the ability to attract the best talent of tomorrow. The way to do that is through making the workplace appealing to a younger generation of digital native employees. Are you doing everything you can to make your culture and environment as inviting as possible?
Revenue Generation and the IT Department
Traditionally, the IT department has not been viewed as a revenue center. The projects that they work on consume part of the budget, but the department has not traditionally been expected to generate money for the company. As the sales and marketing processes increasingly rely on technology, that reality is starting to shift.
More businesses are expecting their IT department to add to the company’s bottom line, which is shifting the focus of the role for many chief information officers. Let’s look at some of the increasingly common ways that IT departments are starting to produce revenue for their companies.
Revenue-Producing IT Projects
IT departments across the U.S. and globally are becoming larger. When they bring on new people, they tend to benefit from more creative ideas. These IT departments are taking on an increasing amount of projects in addition to internal business infrastructure. It also becomes easier for decision makers to approve this expansion when the IT department becomes a source of revenue.
Below are some of the types of projects that have transitioned IT departments into the profit game.
Chat-Bots – Artificial intelligence chat bots can enhance customer service and have the potential to close more sales. These tools have the power to make the customer experience more seamless every day. IT departments are a crucial part of implementation and support.
eCommerce Websites – The IT department has the ability to capitalize on the technology necessary to capture more leads. They can put a stronger infrastructure in place for a higher level of sales.
Mobile Apps – Mobile apps can deepen a customer’s relationship with a company. The customer is making the commitment to reserve sacred home screen smart phone space. Every interaction holds the potential for revenue generation.
Data Collection Tools – The IT department can take up the task of data collection in order to streamline services. They can develop the necessary reports that will impact the decision-making process.
Monitor Internal and External Technology Use
In the process of developing revenue-producing IT projects, it’s important to monitor and understand how technology is being used both internally by employees, and externally, by customers. Technology helps to create a more efficient work environment. It can help younger employees feel involved in company culture, and a part of the decision-making process.
It can also help you to engage with customers more frequently, and meaningfully. Technology such as mobile apps can be used to strengthen customer relationships and increase interactions. The bottom line is that the right technology can strengthen your company’s image on more than one front.
Has Your Company Made the Transition?
It may be time to reconsider how your IT department is viewed within the company. With these strategies in mind, IT can become part of the revenue generation cycle, or to provide a foundation of revenue support for other departments.
IT departments can grow and prosper as they learn how to add more value for the company and its customers. When these departments are viewed as revenue generation centers, they can more justifiably expand, and draw higher salaries for their contribution.
When Your Company Needs a Digital Transformation
Digital transformation as we’re referring to it, is simply the integration of technology into all aspects of a business. It’s a term that can be overgeneralized, but some specific actions can have a fundamental impact on your company culture and transform how you operate. Digital transformation impacts a business’s culture, the operational process, and the customer experience.
Your business may still find itself in a situation where you’re looking to rethink outdated operating models, or to become more agile in the way you address the customer experience. You may be looking to better match the productivity of competitors, or generally looking to experiment with technology more.
This is when a strategic digital transformation can be highly beneficial.
Guidelines for a Successful Digital Transformation
Whatever your purpose, a successful digital transformation requires a process and a plan. Below are some guidelines for getting started:
Communicate the Vision – Employees may become anxious when change is in the air. Be as specific as you can regarding the changes, and make sure to communicate expectations. Reinforcing your company’s mission and how this new technology can help will work wonders when it comes to putting everyone at ease.
Foster Learning – Make sure that your employees feel comfortable learning the new technology. Make it easy for them to understand how it works, and how it helps productivity. Employees may be more receptive when they understand how it fits in with the larger picture.
Listen – Make sure that you listen to your employees, find out what they are working on, and any opinions they may have regarding the new technology. They may have some valuable input on how to implement upcoming changes.
Take Your Time – You can test technology changes on small jobs, before going all in. See what a new process does to company culture. See how it improves productivity. Make sure that you’re not needlessly overcomplicating your employee’s lives.
The Benefits of Digital Transformation Speak for Themselves
When digital transformations are successfully implemented, the benefits are astounding. Below are just a few:
Increased Profits – When you find creative ways to use data and implement new technology, it can have a tremendous positive impact on the bottom line.
Engaged Employees – When employees have more direct ways to communicate, and they are provided with current business data, they are more inclined to participate.
Set the Industry Pace – Many businesses are obsessed with keeping up. When you are on the edge of digital technology, you can set the pace instead of worrying about what the other guy is doing.
Improve Customer Experience – Improved access to data and the most efficient digital technology can improve the customer experience.
The Time to Start Is Now
Whether your company is highly successful or struggling to keep up with the competition, the time to undergo your digital transformation is now. A successful digital transformation will allow you to remain productive, and utilize technology for optimum results. It can help you make better use of the resources that you have now.
These are things that should appeal to any business no matter what stage you are in. It pays to be making the most of your technology.
Emergency Data Recovery
Our highly trained professionals provide expedited Emergency Data Recovery Services 24/7/365 anywhere in the world. We are dedicated to providing you with the fastest and optimal recovery results for your unexpected data loss.
To keep our client’s business processes back up and running ASAP, we provide three options of recovery:
In Lab Recovery
On-Site Recovery
Remote Recovery
In-Lab Recovery
Our engineers work on your case around the clock and recover your data in-lab. This option of recovery is suitable for companies or individuals who can ship or bring in person their storage device to our recovery labs. Recovery is carried out after assessing the damage in the initial diagnosis.
On-Site Recovery
The recovery is carried out at the customer premises. It is suitable for cases in which data cannot leave the premises such as classified information, other important company information or physical limitations in which the storage device cannot leave the premises.
The charges for an emergency on-site recovery begin at $5000 per day plus travel expenses plus data recovery charges.
Remote Recovery
This is the fastest response among our expedite emergency services, recovering your data within a few hours (when technically possible). Our engineers connect to your system via the Internet and perform the recovery remotely.
The system with the storage device that needs to be recovered has to be connected to the Internet. With our proprietary software, your system will automatically connect to our network with a secure VPN connection giving us access to it.
Remote recovery is generally used for servers (RAID, NAS, SAN, DAS, Apple Xserve / Xsan, VMware, Snap Server, LINUX, UNIX). The recovery is carried out using our own proprietary tools and software.
DHCP server has to be active on-premises or a static IP has to be manually assigned to the system
The storage device/s must be recognized by the Bios or the controller
This option of recovery is not applicable to drives that are physically damaged
Trust the world leader in data recovery in handling your data loss. Our reverse engineering capabilities give optimum recovery results.
Signs Your Hard Disk Is Failing
Data loss comes in a variety of different packages. Sometimes it occurs out of the blue, and there were no signs of impending doom that could have been headed. Other times, temperamental equipment may be trying to tell you something in advance. What appears as a narrow escape could really be a sign of worse events to come.
Below are some of the common signs of hard drive failure that should not be ignored. Sometimes they can be confused with the effects of malware, but whatever the case, it’s time to address the issue.
A Clicking Sound
Sometimes there is an audible clicking sound made by the head of the hard drive. This can be caused by an inconsistent power supply to the drive, or physical damage.
Access Denied Prompts
If the computer gives you pop ups denying access to various partitions on the drive, it may be a sign that the drive is failing. This can be a sign of loose connections in the drive, or corrupted storage. Either way, the hard drive may be failing at this point.
Repeated Crashing
The hard drive may simply crash more frequently on an older computer. But those increased crashes can also be a sign that the hard drive is about to fail. When you get to this point, the disk may completely stop working altogether at any point.
Sector Not Found Prompts
When your computer is warning you that sectors of the hard drive are unavailable or not able to be found, it’s time to have it repaired.
It’s Time to Bring Your Computer to a Professional
Computers are similar to any other major appliances, or to your health. If you are consistently experiencing concerning symptoms, it may be signs of a larger problem. When you ignore these symptoms long enough, something worse, such as a hard drive failure resulting in data loss, can occur.
There are other common issues that can happen with your hard drive that are less serious and aren’t necessarily a threat to the data that you’ve accumulated. If you are tech savvy and understand how to perform basic hard drive maintenance, you may be able to take care of some of these issues internally before involving a computer repair expert or a data recovery specialist.
Reformatting the Drive
If an external hard drive’s format isn’t compatible with the computer, you may need to reformat the drive. It’s helpful to back up any information being stored on the disk somewhere else, and then follow the prompts under the “My Computer” icon to reformat.
Updating Drivers
A hard drive may malfunction because of the drivers. Resetting the drivers can help. On a PC, you can go to the device manager, and right click on the device to find the “update drives” option.
The Disk is Full
If you’ve accumulated a lot of data over the years, this is a real possibility. Your system may run slow at this point, and it can cause the drive to malfunction. All that needs to be done to fix this problem is to delete old, unnecessary content. Keep in mind that photos, videos, music, and large graphics will take up the most file space.
Disk Defragmentation
When a disk is routinely partitioned, it becomes fragmented. PCs have an option under the system tools to defragment the drive to restore some usable space to the computer.
Don’t Ignore Computer Problems
When you ignore routine computer problems, it’s a sign that something more serious is wrong. If you’ve tried any of the above fixes and they didn’t work, it may be time to bring your computer in to have the hard drive repaired.
Common Customer Mistakes in Data Recovery
When a disaster jeopardizes the security of your company’s information, it takes a well-written and routinely tested data recovery plan to keep your organization running. It’s important to keep backing up your data, but those backups need to be used to quickly restore your operating environment. Downtime will have a significant cost to your organization. The more that you can do to minimize downtime, the better.
It helps to make sure that your data recovery plan is tested, so that everyone knows their role in the event of a data loss. Below are some of the common mistakes we see as organizations attempt to restore their data.
Keeping It an IT Matter
The employees who use the missing data the most are the ones who will be most impacted by a data loss. They’re also helpful allies as you work to recover lost information. They can give you input on the most crucial data within your organization, and in testing your recovery plan. They can help you rank the most crucial information in day-to-day usage.
Creating a Data Recovery Plan and Not Testing It
Data loss creates organizational stress. When you develop a strategy for dealing with fires or tornados, you would test that too, to make sure that employees knew what to do. The same is true for a data recovery plan. Make sure that those who rely on the data understand what to do when it’s not readily accessible. Make sure that everyone across the organization understands their role in the recovery process.
Not Taking Advantage of Available Technology
Manual on site backups serve their purpose but may not be enough to get you through a data loss. They also rely on employees to set aside the time to back their information up, instead of an automated process. Cloud technology with automated backups offer a safe way for organizations to store data off site. There are flexibility and cost measures to this approach that make it an advantageous data backup method.
A Failure to Revisit Your Plan
Your organization is a fluid enterprise. The employees who handle your data change. The technology around you changes as well. For these reasons, it helps to review your data recovery plan on a regular basis to make sure it accurately reflects your organizational interests.
Not Enough Contingency Planning
What happens if your on-site backups were impacted by the same disaster that impacted your top level of data? It’s crucial to remember that Plan B can be impacted in the same way that Plan A was. As you develop a data recovery plan, make sure that you think through multiple scenarios. Now, it’s true that you can’t plan for everything, but a thorough approach to planning will help keep you more secure in the long run.
Your Organization Can Avoid These Mistakes
Like anything else, it helps to know where the data recovery pitfalls are. Understanding what not to do is important. After you have a data recovery plan in place, test it and include the appropriate employees for the process. By being thorough now, you’re in a better position to withstand whatever the future may hold.
Data Recovery for Healthcare and Hospitals
Human error, technology failures, and weather can all throw a kink into an established routine.
This makes data recovery for healthcare a necessity. It’s an industry where lives literally depend on the availability of plentiful information. Data recovery plans help employees to understand what to do when that critical data isn’t immediately accessible, and how to regain access.
Problems can arise without warning, and when they do, it’s good to have a data recovery plan in place.
Eliminate Unnecessary Risk in Your Healthcare Organization
When there is technological downtime in a healthcare facility or a hospital, lives literally hang in the balance. Organizations lose money. Depending on the particular risk facing your organization, HIPAA compliance and patient records may also be placed at risk.
Putting a detailed data recovery plan in place can help you to eliminate much of this unnecessary risk. Organizations may not always want to factor this type of planning into their annual budget. But if you’ve ever faced data loss or a similar technology crisis, you understand the jeopardy this can place your organization in.
When There’s No Data Recovery Plan in Place
Healthcare service can slow down considerably when your front-line medical staff doesn’t have access to patients’ medical histories. It’s hard to maintain a high level of service when staff and patients both become frustrated with the process. Data recovery plans can help you to have a plan in place when the electronics and technology we depend on are rendered inaccessible for unanticipated reasons.
When real-time care information is placed in jeopardy, and employees are working without access to patient records, the quality of care is also at risk. For example, think about a patient who needs a new medication. This would mean that doctors and nurses would not have access to their other medications to monitor interactions, or a proper dosing schedule. This is all crucial information in the context of care.
The Importance of a Data Recovery Plan
A proper data recovery plan is an insurance investment in your organization’s future. Not only will it help protect your patients, it will help you maintain HIPAA compliance, and can help you keep your reputation safe as you deal with sensitive information on a moment-to-moment basis. (Consider what happens if sensitive patient information is left exposed.)
Regular testing of the plan, on at least an annual basis (if not more frequently), can help ensure that your organization can survive a data crisis.
If your organization is missing important data, it’s important to understand that there are recovery options. While recovery software imposes additional risks, an experienced data recovery company may still be able to help you extract missing data off the software in question. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your organization’s situation, contact us today!
6 Common Data Recovery Myths Busted
For most people, we sit down at the computer, we power it up. We click on our file and take for granted that it will open, showing us the data that we need to complete whatever tasks need completion at the time. Eventually, the process may not work the way that you expected it to. A file may be lost, damaged, or corrupted. When that occurs it’s important to understand how the data recovery process works.
Below are six popular data recovery myths that we hear about quite a bit.
Data recovery software can be used to reliably recover just about anything.
This myth can be particularly dangerous when it comes to recovering valuable business data. This software can and often does cause permanent damage to the hard drive that prevents a complete recovery. It also may not be able to recover the data in question.
Reformatting a drive permanently deletes all data.
When you reformat a hard drive, it typically removes the file from the table of contents, leaving it in the same space. In many cases, when data is lost due to reformatting, it can be recovered by data recovery specialists.
When data is deleted, it can never be recovered.
This myth is complicated. It can vary from system to system. But the way that most hard drives work is that when a file is deleted, the space that file occupies is marked as available for new data. It isn’t truly deleted until the hard drive writes over it as it downloads new data.
If you can get the hard drive to a data recovery specialist before it writes over the lost file, you may still be able to recover what was lost.
Data recovery fixes the hard drive in question.
Data recovery specialists are able to restore a hard drive to the point where data is recoverable. But it’s rarely in a dependable state after that. The data that we recover is often copied to another device of their choice when it is returned.
Professional data recovery can be cost prohibitive.
Like any other service, you are paying for professionals’ time. Other factors including the circumstances around your data loss, how much data needs to be recovered, and the expertise of the recovery company can factor into the cost.
You must determine what the lost data is worth to your company as well. It may be more costly if you are forced to replace this information.
Any lost data is recoverable.
It’s not uncommon for data recovery companies that want your business to make extreme claims about their service. But the fact remains that the circumstances around your data loss will determine whether your data is recovery. For example, with physical damage to the hard drive, or the use of data recovery software, the chances that data is recoverable decrease dramatically.
Do Your Research Before Hiring a Data Recovery Specialist
Your data is critical to your ability to run your company. Before you trust the task of recovering it to anyone, you owe it to yourself to do your research. Make sure that the company is honest, and that they are not making promises that can’t be kept. It’s crucial that you can trust the company that is working to restore your valuable data.
How AI Can Aid with Data Recovery
How AI Can Aid with Data Recovery
Managing your company’s data backup process is more important now than ever. With more monetary value placed on data and information, hackers are more motivated than ever to attack and exploit it for their own gain. They may be using technology and developing new ways to damage your infrastructure and access your information.
Artificial intelligence can assist in backing up and securing your data in new ways. It can be a valuable asset when it comes to recovering or maintaining control of that data.
Automated Data Backups
New technologies are emerging on a regular basis that automate data backups. These programs can be trained to operate within the requirements of the business to ensure that data is always being backed up behind the scenes. These AI programs make automated backups more powerful and efficient and allow businesses to focus on activities that are more central to their mission.
Machine Learning Improves the Process
AI can collect information on a wide variety of viruses and malware. It can eliminate time-consuming research and understand and detect abnormal occurrences. All of this leads to a system that is better able to protect the user. It is an effective tool in fighting phishing, spamming, and threat analytics.
Machine learning and AI improve at their tasks quicker than their human counterparts – an attractive benefit when it comes to cybersecurity and data recovery. It’s an effective means to protect your valuable data. AI can become a powerful defense against more sophisticated attacks.
Responding to an Incident
When disaster strikes, AI can analyze the data faster and in more depth than a team of your most reliable employees. AI can also make fast recommendations based on that data to ensure that you respond to the incident that occurred in the most effective manner possible. AI may be able to assist in the data recovery process as well, by performing tasks such as reinstalling networks.
Recovering Technological Assets
The network configurations behind cloud computing can be largely overwhelming. AI can be a tremendous asset in the event of an outage, or other form of data loss. AI systems are being trained to monitor a technology system and intervene when risks or failures are being detected.
Why AI is a Necessary Aid
As businesses continue to grow, and the need for data continues to expand, AI can play an integral role in safeguarding that data. The need for backup systems, constant system analytics and monitoring, and response aid will only continue to rise in the near future. Businesses are also being required to abide by more regulations when it comes to the safekeeping of data. As the demands continue, AI provides a more efficient way for them to keep pace.
AI can automate the attacks against us. As hackers and those looking to exploit data have more powerful tools at their fingertips, it makes sense for businesses to use these same tools to maximize their protection.
5 Common Scenarios that Lead to Data Loss
We all depend on our computer and the data that it holds to the extent where we take it for granted. We tend to assume that the information we collect, that helps us with day-to-day business activities, will always be there. But data loss is more common than we realize, and for those of us who run businesses, this can be a significant problem.
Below are five common scenarios that can lead to data loss. You can minimize their impact by creating data backups on a regular basis. If the hardware is old or the data isn’t critical to your operation, you can try to run recovery software in an attempt to access your data. But that path comes fraught with risk. If the data is valuable and the loss is significant, you’ll have more success by talking with a data recovery company.
Common Ways Data Loss Occurs
Accidental Deletion
We all want a clean working environment, and that desire may carry over to our desktop screens and file storage. Sometimes we might get a little carried away and delete a file that we needed while we’re attempting to declutter and clean up.
If we don’t have a backup, and we delete the wrong file, that scenario can present a real problem. Accidental deletion is frustrating, but it does happen.
Viruses or Malware
As businesses and organizations gather larger amounts of data, hackers find new ways to attack that data every day. The more valuable it is to you, the more potential value it might have in the wrong hands.
The damages can vary greatly depending on the virus, but when hackers go after business data the threat can be serious. If there is serious monetary value attached to the data that you hold, the threat of viruses or malware needs to be taken seriously.
Smartphone Device Corruption
We’ve come to depend greatly on the computers in our pockets, but they are susceptible to risk, as well. Photos, music, and other files kept on smart phones can be lost or damaged. There may be deletions, formatting problems, or hardware crashes. Any time your phone is dropped or submerged in water, your data is at risk.
The good news is that file recovery programs can work on your phone as well. But for the highest success rates, you’ll want to contact a data recovery specialist.
Physical Damage to the Computer
If the computer fell or was hit by something, or it is otherwise physically damaged, you run the risk of data loss. If that physical damage extends to the hard drive, that can likely impact the ability to call up certain files. In other words, your data is likely damaged, too. If the computer powers up, you might be able to run some data recovery programs on it and see what happens.
Power Failure
Power failures carry risk on multiple levels. First, there is the risk that anything you might be working on at the moment is lost or damaged. Second, a change in voltage can damage any number of computer parts and cause lasting damage. Creating regular backups can help reduce the risk of data loss in the event of a power failure.
The Technology Industry’s PR Problem
When the internet and social media companies were in their infancy stages, trust and optimism were high. The public had positive outlooks on what the future might look like with new technology reshaping the world. Today, that same level of trust simply isn’t there.
Companies that struggle with privacy issues struggle with their image, and rightly so. The urgency to remedy any privacy issues is high for this reason. Consumers expect to be able to use services without having data sold to third parties or stolen. But this year, the word “techlash” took off, and Oxford Dictionary defined it as the strong and widespread negative reaction to the growing power and influence that large technology companies hold.
Presidential candidates are making technology an issue by calling for the breakup of some of the industry’s larger companies. Big names like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Mark Cuban are warning people that artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human species. All of this means that Silicone Valley and the tech industry in general no longer benefit from the public’s blind trust.
Social Media Companies
Consumer trust in social media is still at a significant low, following the 2016 presidential elections. Concerns rise as a handful of these companies gain a stranglehold on massive amounts of consumer data and what might be possible with it.
Trust remains a significant issue for Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter and other companies that work hard to collect massive amounts of data. Google compiles data from every search. Amazon is compiling data every time you use Alexa. All of it is done behind the scenes, and the public may generally remain skeptical about how much of it actually benefits users.
The Tech Industry as a Force for Good
Tech companies need to proactively earn back the public trust now, so that they can get on with solving the problems of tomorrow. A lack of trust now could significantly impede their efforts in the long run as they face developing new technologies.
For example, more can be done to safeguard the use of data while keeping users’ best interests in mind. Tech companies can do more to place the greater good of their communities above their profit line. This may mean finding other metrics to measure success other than time on site.
Blockchain, AI, autonomous automobiles, IoT, the cloud, mobile technology and other new developments carry with them a significant amount of promise. It’s easy to see how these developments can replenish the public’s optimism. But at the same time, fears on issues such as automation or the threats of AI need to be addressed.
From an ongoing PR perspective, users need to be able to realistically trust that they won’t be leaving themselves vulnerable as they use these services. They need to be able to trust that using these new products won’t leave them exposed in the long-term.
How Technology is Changing the Workforce
It was only a few decades ago that companies handled everything in an analog fashion. If you wanted to conduct a meeting with a valued client halfway across the country, you needed to purchase plane tickets. Important documents needed to be printed, and keeping track of meetings, agendas, and to-do lists required significant effort, and good old pencil and paper.
The workplace has significantly changed over the last few years, and technology is leading the way. Communications and logistics have been simplified through software, apps, and modern tech advances. Technology has led to significant advancements in:
Task performance
The Internet and modern technologies have allowed businesses to double-down on their goals while operating in a much more efficient manner.
Below are Some Ways Technology Has Helped in the Workplace
Enhanced Communication
Email is a prime communication tool. It can provide written documentation relating to specific projects and more. Smartphones, social networking, chat apps and more have revolutionized companies’ internal communications. Video chats through apps like Skype, Google Hangouts, or Apple’s FaceTime have made it possible to be remote and visible at the same time.
This opens the door to making remote work an easier possibility, keeping employees happier at the same time. It makes long-distance client and customer relationships even easier. Technology allows for people who may not be inside the office to remain in the loop when necessary.
Staying Organized
Technology eliminates the needs for massive stacks of paper. It eliminates the need for a mess of notebooks, daybooks, calendars, and more. Mobile apps and project management software can help keep your organization efficiently on track. It can promote responsibility, accountability, and highlight what needs to happen for timely project delivery.
This kind of software programs and apps can increase quality and efficiency – meaning that you simply just get more done.
Productivity is Key
Modern productivity software helps organizations track all aspects of execution on a daily basis. It allows companies to track progress and better understand what needs to happen internally in order to meet specific goals and deadlines.
Improving Security
Businesses require a higher level of security to ensure safety and efficiency and technology plays a significant role in this process. Hardware and software add enhanced data encryption so that only the right parties are able to view sensitive materials. Fingerprint and facial recognition each add additional levels of security.
Companies now require additional software and algorithms to protect sensitive data and prevent it from being lost or stolen.
Enabling Remote Work
Millennials want the freedom and flexibility that comes with remote work. Studies are showing that companies can benefit greatly from allowing their workforce this benefit – and with technology it’s easier.
You can create a powerful, interconnected virtual workforce all aligned with the organization’s goals. Cloud technology, video conferencing, and instant messaging all help companies coordinate with their workforce no matter where they are located.
Technology has changed the look and feel of the workplace from just a few short years ago. Organizations that fully leverage the freedoms and conveniences that come with enhanced technology will put themselves in a position to succeed in the future.
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We often receive cases from other companies after they failed to recover the data. – In many cases, we recover the data successfully, but the chance of a successful recovery decreases significantly after the first attempt.
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Addressing the IT Skills Gap
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be 1.3 million openings for IT professionals by 2026. At the same time, there will be roughly 60,000 computer science graduates from universities per year – leaving a significant skills gap in the information technology field.
The shortage will be driven by a lack of workers with the right skills, but it’ll also be driven by advancements in technology that institutions have not kept up with. We live in a world that is increasingly automated, and hundreds of thousands of patents being filed on an annual basis.
Vast amounts of data – beyond anything previously comprehensible – are being collected to write AI algorithms and program self-driving cars. There are CEOs and visionaries actively working to enter the space tourism business, with an eventual goal of colonizing mars. When it comes to the future, the best technological minds will work on problems that only existed in fiction just a few short decades ago.
It’s tough to expect traditional education systems to be able to keep up with outright futuristic problems. Producing skilled workers who can pursue tomorrow’s problems will be tough, even if curriculums are written and rewritten annually. This type of pressure makes it hard for colleges to dependably produce the type of worker who can serve in high-paying tech roles.
Because of this there are tremendous opportunities for the right type of worker, but they will have to be responsible for their own education.
An Increasing Number of Jobs in Tech Don’t Require College
It used to be that a college education was necessary for any job that paid more than $100,000 in a given year. But with this growing demand, there are developers, programmers, and database administrators who didn’t attain a college degree before they were hired.
Employers can no longer rely on a computer science degree from a major university to provide information that will remain current years into the future. Employees who stop learning new skills and keeping up with advancements in technology will risk falling behind and becoming obsolete.
Employers Can Double Down on Their Workforce
It’s important for organizations to invest in their workforce and create a culture that reinforces life-long learning. It’s important to encourage employees to pick up new technology and become the driving force of innovation within your company. Leading tech companies like Google go as far as encouraging employees to work on personal projects at work – leading to further innovation.
Companies could think about creating and furthering an employee development plan and helping to provide the books, articles, blogs, and videos that will drive learning within the organization.
The IT skills gap is a significant problem that the industry will face for years to come, but it doesn’t have to grind your organization to a halt. There are several ways that employees and employers alike can work to alleviate its effects.
How Technology Addiction Impacts Our Lives and What We Can Do About It
In a crowded movie theater. Right before bed. When we’re supposed to be listening to family. It doesn’t matter where, or when. We check our phones compulsively because we think there might be something positive there for us on the other side – something life-changing.
That thought shoots dopamine and other feel-good chemicals into our brain and a habit is formed. The designers of your favorite tech hardware and apps know this and they build in ways for you to consume more content, and spend more time on their platform. They do this through variable reinforcement, much like a slot machine. Too little reward, and you stop trying. Too much reward and you won’t pull the lever as much.
Now think of those notifications on your phone. When the ding goes off, or when we see a little red bubble, we feel almost obligated to check and see what the message is. The quest in technology optimization is to find the right ratio to keep you coming back for more, and it’s working.
Americans on average check their phones more than 52 times a day. College students can spend upwards of 9 hours a day on their cell phones. Addiction activates the reward sensors for the brain and pulls us out of the present moment. It starts in the first few moments after we wake up and it nags at us until we go to bed. There are precious few moments during the day considered too sacred to check your messages.
An overuse of phones and other modern technology can leave you feeling anxious or depressed. It can make you feel extremely distracted and restless. Long term, it can contribute to obesity, or give you severe eye problems.
What Can You Do About It?
We assume you like your phone. It’s pretty amazing harnessing the power of your desktop computer right there in your pocket. You don’t have to ditch it at all to keep usage in control, but instead set up certain boundaries.
Understand Your Usage – It takes some awareness of what your phone and technology habits are, to be able to break them. How many hours a day are you on the phone? Apple is now keeping track of your screen time for you. It can help to review this on a daily or weekly basis.
Optimize Your Tech for You – You can shut off all unessential notifications. You can move the most distracting apps to the furthest screen back on your phone, so they are that much harder to access. You can delete them off your phone entirely. Set up your phone to be an asset to your productivity, and not a distraction.
Meditation Can Help – When you can train your attention, you can more easily control it. Meditating for 10-20 minutes a day can help you learn how to train your attention in this way. If you need a little assistance to get started, apps like Headspace, Calm, or Buddhify can help.
Set Up Boundaries – Another way to take back control over your attention is to set intentional boundaries. You can choose to keep your phone in a different room at night, or designate regular “phone free” times in your home.
Technology addiction is an increasing phenomenon. These actions can help you to take back your attention and become more intentional with your time and productivity.
What Technology and Digital Diplomacy Look Like in 2019
Diplomacy has traditionally been defined as direct communication between one government and another. Public diplomacy came into being with the advent of the radio, and Nazi Germany using this technology to speak to the populations of neighboring countries. Governments have used technology to take their message to the world (and the foreign public) since that point.
Technology always plays a role in diplomatic capabilities. The telephone, television, and now computers have all played their role in how governments conduct their business both internally and externally with other governments.
While digital diplomacy, or Twitter Diplomacy, may seem like a new phenomenon, both go back further than the current administration. The U.S. State Department created a task force on eDiplomacy (the same idea) in 2002. Since then, Britain, Canada, and other foreign powers have taken up their own eDiplomacy policies and initiatives.
In 2012, a global communications firm discovered there were 264 Twitter accounts for heads of state and other institutions across 125 countries. That number will only likely continue to rise as the platforms further engrain themselves into everyday life.
The Tools of Digital Diplomacy
With an expected 5.7 billion smart phone users in 2020, digital diplomacy makes communication with the whole world instantaneous. That includes foreign leaders and the foreign public as well.
Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter also have a nearly universal familiarity. Those who don’t use the platforms will likely become aware of any governmental or political messages through nearly instant news media coverage.
Examples of Positive Digital Diplomacy in Action
There have been several examples of digital diplomacy being used for good over the last few years as well. For instance, in May 2018 French President Emmanuel Macron hosted the Tech for Good summit, with 60-plus technology leaders, to talk about how it can be used for the common good within issues like education, labor, and diversity.
Representatives from Facebook, Microsoft, IBM, Uber, Salesforce, Stripe and other major tech firms participated in the conversation.
The UN also recently released a report that collaborative efforts to force major terrorist networks off of popular social media channels have been largely successful. While groups such as ISIS may not be as prevalent on Facebook or Twitter as they once were, the report does state that they are using smaller, less monitored sites to share materials. But this trend is a step in the right direction.
Canada’s G7 Summit last year used Snapchat to expose younger audiences to the event. They used a social media platform that is primarily youth based in membership to open up the conversation to younger audiences in a way that otherwise may not have been possible.
As time progresses, diplomacy and digital diplomacy may become redundant terms. Technology and social media allow corporate messages to permeate large International audiences and it only makes sense that government would take advantage of these tools for the same purpose.
We’re moving into an era where access to mobile, online communication is nearly universal. World leaders have the ability to use this new connectedness to connect with the general public in a positive way.
Tech Companies and Privacy Law
When we write a message to another party and send it, we traditionally expect that message to remain private. Likewise, we expect to maintain control over personal data and where it is collected, stored, or used by another party. We do not expect third-party involvement when we hand our data over online.
Every day, these expectations are increasingly challenged. Laptops, smart phones, tablets, watches, and IoT devices add to the complexity of digital privacy as they grow their platforms and offer users more convenience and service. The number of smart devices will more than double from 2017 to 2020, according to Forbes.
It’s already increasingly difficult to opt out of this web of digital transparency, where data breaches and hacking are increasingly prevalent. Trust in companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon is increasingly down. While there are tremendous social benefits to all this technology, all you have to do is flip on the news to understand that there is a cost.
What’s Being Done to Protect Consumers?
Europe introduced General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May of 2018, as a way to provide consistent protection of consumer and personal data across all European Union nations. It takes steps like requiring subject consent for data processing and anonymizing the collection of data to protect privacy. It also requires data breach notifications, and safety in handling the transfer of data.
GDPR was designed to safeguard the handling of EU citizens’ data to better protect its residents. Any company that handles EU data is subject to regulation of this law, regardless of their location.
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is set to come into law in January of 2020. It gives consumers the right to tell businesses that they cannot collect information about you, your children, or the devices that you use. The law will hold businesses responsible for protecting data and personal information.
Could a US Federal Privacy Law Happen?
While it’s sometimes tough to imagine much being done, there are signs of agreement between Democrats and Republicans that something needs to happen in the wake of Facebook’s role in the 2016 election.
An FTC task force is studying anti-competitiveness within the tech industry. State lawmakers have been looking into Facebook data collection methods. There are also drafts of various data protection bills that have floated their way through congress.
The climate has clearly changed following multiple data breaches from large American corporations, that expose consumers’ personal data. The role that Facebook played in the 2016 elections has also caught legislators’ attention. In the past when this subject has come up, the focus has been on putting the burden on consumers to take initial steps to protect their data. That focus is shifting to put more responsibility on the corporations that handle consumer data. It may be hard to keep consensus within Congress on this issue, after the California law comes into effect. It can also be hard to maintain any level of agreement through a split congress.
But there is always a chance that something could happen in a small window.
Optimizing Technology in Education
While technology can play a significant role in the classroom, it’s important to optimize it to help realize the outcome you are looking for. The use of technology should be carefully weighed against education goals.
In other words, screen usage may not be appropriate in every circumstance. But it is an incredibly powerful tool when it is used to promote technological literacy in today’s students. It’s quite impossible to predict what the job market may look like for today’s grade school students.
But we can help give them the skills they will need to communicate, design, create, manage, evaluate information and solve problems in today’s world. This isn’t a new concept, it’s just that it’s advanced along with modern technology. As access to home computers increased in the 1990s, schools need to keep up with it.
Teachers in previous generations maintained that students would not be able to walk around with a calculator in their pocket in adult life. The idea is that they would need advanced math skills to make up for this. Now, we walk around with the answer to nearly every conceivable question, including math, in our pockets. The question becomes how to optimize technology for the classroom and the educational experience for this reality.
Robotics companies have developed curriculums for literacy, math, and science. These companies are also exploring ways to help students apply higher level thinking to life’s problems. All of this seems to benefit students in their educational experience. But there are plenty of downsides to technology that device usage must be weighed against.
The Problems with Tech in Education
Technology itself has an addictive power to it. In fact, the average American adult spent two hours and 51 minutes on their cell phone every day in 2017. The argument is that developing curriculums that are unnecessarily technology-intensive reinforces these patterns.
There are other common problems with technology-based curriculums. For instance, when teens are in front of a device, they may be tempted to use social media sites instead of listening to the teacher and following along in class. For this reason, it helps to have firewalls set up to prevent usage of social sites in the school.
Enhanced tech usage can also result in network overload. Twenty-plus students in any given classroom surfing the web at one time can place high demands on a school’s infrastructure. When you factor multiple classrooms in a building doing the same thing, it’s easy to see the demand this can create.
Students May Not Always Have Pure Intentions
Increased technology usage can also put your network at increased security risk. You may find increasingly cunning older students who attempt to gain access to administrative servers. You may also have students more prone to cheat by looking up the answers on their own.
Carefully Weigh Technology Usage
It’s impossible to predict what the job market will look like for today’s youngest students, but a steady stream of technology will likely be part of it. Exposing children to today’s technology can no doubt help, but it needs to be done cautiously.
Experiments with one-on-one technology and other initiatives can help. When districts experiment with these ideas, they can factor in feedback on the go to create a stronger, more beneficial technology plan. It is possible to instill a technological literacy in a responsible way that will help students for years to come.
The Pros and Cons of Elearning
Elearning is everywhere. It’s popping into K-12 curriculum, gaining prevalence in colleges and universities, and it is an increasingly popular way to learn job skills. It’s even a growing way to learn new personal development skills.
Simply put, elearning offers a way to access educational materials through technology, outside of a classroom. In K-12 it might be something as simple as taking home a device for the evening. In the college or professional environments, it entire curriculums may be found online.
Technology offers a wider access to materials and can turn education into a more convenient experience – one that can be accessed from anywhere. While it offers tremendous advantages, it’s not for everyone. There are pros and cons to this style of learning.
The Advantages of Elearning
Improved Access – Institutions that offer elearning programs gain access to a larger number of students. Students in turn gain access to larger amounts of information, that can be accessed from nearly any physical location. Both sides gain a tremendous advantage because of this.
Easy to Use – When the platform is easy for students to use, it can streamline the whole process and improve learning results. This is important when students pay a significant amount in tuition costs to participate in the course. It’s also important when a company is depending on their employees to learn valuable course information.
Customization – Elearning courses can be tailored to fit the needs of the institution or the company. There is a certain amount of flexibility built in, to meet students’ needs. Students can learn at their own pace without having to worry about the technology itself becoming a distraction to learning.
Lowering Costs – When elearning is taking place outside a classroom setting, the costs can be significantly lower. There are no textbook or equipment costs, unless you are providing the technology to learn on. This can be a tremendous advantage for companies offering an elearning program to thousands of employees.
The Disadvantages of Elearning
Incompatible Learning Styles – For some people, the classroom setting is precisely what makes the material click in their minds. They may favor a more hands on approach, or at least benefit from a teacher who is present to explain the information. It may be harder for them to pick up the information based on what they read over a device screen.
A Lack of Social Interaction – For some, the best part of school or work is being in a room of peers. It may be a difficult adjustment to learn solely from an online platform.
No Team-Building Benefits – Whether students are part of an academic classroom or your company’s department, creating a learning environment is inherently a team-building exercise. Students and coworkers learn to interact with each other in a cohesive manner that works to the benefit of everyone. This component is missing from elearning, which is more isolated.
It Requires Self Discipline – When required learning can be done from the comfort of your own home, it is mixed into a world that is full of distractions. Students may be tempted to move on to other activities instead of sticking with the coursework. For this reason, elearning requires a strong dose of self-discipline to stay on task.
Elearning platforms should be carefully thought out to factor in both the advantages and disadvantages of the medium. For instance, if the material is more engaging, it may be more likely to hold students’ attention.
Elearning programs can have a tremendous advantage, but make sure the nuances are carefully considered before the program is implemented.
Student Success Software Helps Colleges and their Students
When you purchase a book on Amazon, data comes into play. The company obtains your email, payment information, and follows your viewing history to show you more ads of similar books, or other product that you might want to purchase later.
It should be no surprise that data factors into significantly larger investments as well, such as a college education. Over the last few years, universities have enhanced their data collection efforts to streamline the student experience and help them to maximize their investment. When new sources of data are collected and analyzed it can flag issues and help keep students on track.
An Example Student
Let’s say Lisa has declared herself as a nursing major and is taking all sorts of science courses that she needs as prerequisites to begin the program. She’s been really struggling with her Introduction to Biology class this semester, and without a tutor she is in jeopardy of getting a D.
Lisa’s always been a strong student, and she fared well at science in high school. The situation may have more to do with being a freshman in college and her newfound independence. The student success software that the school now uses flagged an overall trend that may be of interest to Lisa, and her advisors. It flagged that 62 percent of the students who score a C or lower in this particular class end up later failing out of the nursing program – a fact her advisors were not otherwise aware of.
Now, Lisa’s teacher and advisors can help her do what’s necessary to bump her grade up and keep her on track for her long-term academic and professional goals. In short, student success software serves as a powerful early warning system, but that’s not all.
Improving the Student Experience
Student success software helps universities to graduate more students, and helps the students pick majors that are well-suited to their interests. In Lisa’s example, another potential outcome would be that she could pick a different major better suited to her interests, if she so desired. Maybe she’d perform better in a major that didn’t involve a science background.
According to this article from Inside Higher Ed, Georgia State’s system helped generate 52,000 face-to-face meetings between students and advisors for a variety of issues, such as students signing up for the wrong course, or earning a low grade in a required course.
Access to Vast Amounts of Data
Colleges and universities have access to incredible amounts of personal data on students between email, web, and social media usage, and of course academic performance. The universities that are seeing the most benefit out of student success software are finding ways not to drown in this huge amount of data.
They are instead using it in targeted, insightful ways to improve a handful of important metrics. As all this data is collected, organized, analyzed, and managed, it is critical for universities to store and maintain it properly. In a worst-case scenario, it will be important for them to understand that they can work with data recovery companies to regain access to key data.
5 Unusual Ways Your Data is Being Collected
Many people may think that they are being cautious with their personal data. They may understand not to give out too much personal information on their social media accounts, and never give their social security number over the phone.
But what they may not understand is that private information can often be collected without their knowledge. Below are five unusual ways that data can be collected on private individuals, that they may not suspect. Companies often use the technology that’s available to them to attain customer data without their knowledge.
5 Ways Your Personal Data is Obtained Without Your Knowledge
In Store WiFi usage – Many companies that offer in-store WiFi use it as a way to collect customer email addresses. This may be fairly well understood. Stores can do more than that, however. They can also track your online activity within the store. They can see if you’ve gone to Amazon, or other competitive sites to do product or pricing research. Your internet service provider can see your online activity.
GPS Tracking – It’s common for the company associated with the app you just downloaded to store your location information. The same companies that are criticized for storing this data are the same companies that are thanked when their application helps people locate their missing phone. People also become thrilled when we have the option to use certain location stickers on our social media pictures.
Your cell phone may be giving away your location at any given time. It’s a good idea to check your settings to make sure you understand the data that’s being collected by the apps that you’ve downloaded.
Cookies – It’s a word that’s commonly thrown around online but not as commonly understood. People may not understand the level of tracking that takes place for Amazon to be able to run Facebook ads for your recently viewed products. They may not understand that it requires tracking for you to not need to login every time you use the same websites.
License Plate Readers – These readers are small enough they can be placed on any piece of highway infrastructure (or in police cars). They can take thousands of pictures per minute and record the time and date that a car was seen. This information goes to a database and stored by police departments. Private companies can collect data this way as well. Many people may not know that there may be a record of everywhere they’ve driven.
Signal Tracking – Retailers can use your cell phone signal to track your path through the store. They can use this information to offer you deals and customize their offerings. It helps them to understand the path you’ve taken and the products that you’ve looked at along the way.
Conclusion – While many people in the general public may be aware of the pitfalls of social media and data collection, some of the other methods may fly under the radar. Sometimes private companies can collect data in underhanded ways. This information is generally used by companies to better target their offerings.
Big Data and Healthcare
The last decade has seen a significant spike in the amount of data we generate in just about every activity. The ways in which we analyze this data and understand it have also expanded. One industry where these trends have had a significant positive impact is in healthcare.
The ability to improve our health through technology all starts with what we carry around in our pockets on a daily basis.
Smartphones and Health Data
Our smart phones contain the tools we need to emphasize prevention over cure. We have applications designed to store massive amounts of health data, and applications that can turn our phone into a pedometer that measures how many steps we take in a given day. There are applications that serve as a food journal, tracking our daily calorie intake.
Wearable health technology such as Fitbit or Apple Watch have also seen a tremendous rise in popularity. At some point, physicians may be able to access this technology to understand their patients’ fitness and dietary habits.
The technology that we use on a daily basis to understand our own health has significant potential on an individual and group level. It could also be used to understand the health habits of various demographics.
Machine Learning
Mayo clinic, CVS, and Apple Watch all have a strategic partnership with IBM’s Watson. This partnership offers patients an added layer of diagnostic help and preventative care. New medical insights can be gained through the analysis of real-time data.
The same technology that brings cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to life could potentially improve access to patient records. It could also provide added levels of security to sensitive patient data.
More physicians are coming on board with the idea of remote appointments and telemedicine. This offers patients the added convenience of not having to make a trip into the office, and instead receiving remote care.
Smart Toilets
All jokes aside, smart toilets use can collect data to calculate measurements such as your BMI, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. These markers can help you determine when there is an anomaly and you need to see a doctor. You can think of it as a toilet’s version of a check engine light.
Your toilet might be able to provide diabetics, women looking to conceive, or the general health-conscious population with a tremendous amount of insight. While many of these toilets are still significantly pricey, for those looking for fast analysis, the investment may be worth it.
Big data has a tremendous potential to advance healthcare and provide better patient insights. It’s important for healthcare companies to understand the role that data can play in user experience. When IT experts and data scientists can collaborate with those in the medical field, the potential to improve human well-being will skyrocket.
Access to new amounts of health-related data can continue to revolutionize the healthcare industry for the future.
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RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is a data storage technology that provides a high level of storage reliability by grouping and dividing data across multiple drives. Dell EMC RAID uses parity, striping, or a combination of both to offer redundancy for data blocks and improve read and write performance. It also supports hybrid models that enable multiple storage tiers and different RAID setups for each tier, allowing for flexibility and cost efficiency.
However, like any other data storage system, Dell EMC RAID may experience failures due to various reasons. In such cases, it’s important to consult professionals like WeRecoverData, who specializes in IT services such as data recovery. They thoroughly investigate the problem before performing troubleshooting and provide the necessary fixes while also educating clients on best practices to prevent data loss.
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From 2005 to 2014, more than 700,000 people died as a result of a disaster. The American Red Cross responded to more than 242 disasters in the United States alone in the year of 2017. This resulted in more relief provided than the previous four years combined.
From earthquakes, to floods, to hurricanes, billions of dollars in damage occur annually. Technology and data now play a key role in the response to these disasters, helping emergency response, and the challenges faced in the aftermath. These efforts help save lives.
Below are some of the ways that technology helps.
The Role of Big Data
Technology helps to collect personal and medical data, the geolocation of roads, survivor tracking and more. With the proper analyzation and use of this data, officials are more easily able to conduct rescues, provide aid, and kickstart the process of recovery.
Crisis mapping software allows users to apply geotagged reports from email, SMS, and tweets on top of digital maps. This can help emergency personnel develop a real-time picture of the situation on the ground. Social media can help complete this picture, giving both rescuers and the general public a clear idea of how and where to focus rescue efforts. Partnerships between non-profit organizations and social media companies make data analyzation and communication between all stakeholders easier in an emergency.
Big data plays a key role in making sure vital resources such as food and water are adequately distributed, reaching larger audiences faster.
Drones and Disaster Relief
Dozens of drones were released in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in Houston. These drones can spot people in need of immediate help, without putting a rescue team in harm’s way. They can often operate faster in these averse situations than people would. Large enough drones can also provide rescue ropes and life jackets in areas that rescuers may not be able to easily access.
Drones can also be used to assess the levels of devastation and predict how long certain areas may be impacted.
Smart Phone Applications
Nearly everyone has a smart phone, making it one of the most effective tools for enhancing rescue and recovery efforts. The Apple health application can provide needed medical data for medical personnel. There is also an official FEMA application that can aid them in their rescue and recovery efforts.
Social media also helps in amazing ways. In addition to alerting the proper authorities to your situation, it can also help in reuniting loved ones, or locating lost pets.
Early Modeling
We often like to give weathermen grief, but the truth is forecasting and weather modeling has come a long way, even over recent decades. Hurricanes can be predicted days, sometimes more than a week in advance. Advancements in weather modeling, GIS data, and other predictive technologies can give local authorities the head start they need in proper planning.
Technology as an Aid
While it does seem like the number and severity of natural disasters keeps rising, we have more tools than ever to minimize their impact. Technology can provide tremendous aid, helping both the rescue and recovery.
IBM System Storage DS Recovery
IBM System Storage DS is a reliable and high-performance data storage solution designed for managing and securing critical data for organizations of all sizes. However, like any other data storage system, IBM System Storage DS can encounter problems, and when that happens, it’s important to seek the help of professionals.
At®, we offer comprehensive IBM System Storage DS Data Recovery services for different versions, including:
DS8100: This version has dual 2-core POWER5+ based controllers and can contain up to 384 drives, which can be Fibre Channel or SATA.
DS8300: It has dual 4-core POWER5+ based controllers (based on p570 servers) that can contain up to 1024 drives, which can be Fibre Channel or SATA.
DS8700: Has a dual 2-or4-core POWER6-based controller with 3.5″ Fibre channel drives or solid-state disk. It can also contain up to 1,024 drives, which can be 3.5″ 15K RPM drives and enterprise flash drives.
DS8800: This version has dual 2-core or 4-core POWER6+-based controllers that can contain up to 1,536 drives. It also has 2.5″ 10K and 15K RPM drives and SSD enterprise flash SAS-2 drives and 3.5″ Nearline-SAS drives.
DS8870: This one has dual 2-, 4-, 8-, or 16-core POWER7-based controllers running SMT 4-4 for 64 threads. It includes a 1 TB Cache and is based on POWER7+ since December 2013. It can contain up to 1,536 drives plus 120 1.8-inch flash cards in the High-Performance Flash Enclosure. Additionally, it has 2.5″ 10k and 15k RPM drives and enterprise flash SAS-2 drives, and 3.5″ Nearline-SAS drives. It also has a high-performance flash enclosure that integrates and optimizes flash technology in the DS8870.
DS8880 Family: DS8884, DS8886, DS8888.
Our team of professionals is equipped with the expertise and tools needed to troubleshoot and recover data for all versions of IBM System Storage DS. We can fix errors caused by incorrect installation, firmware issues, hardware failure, and other technical problems that may arise.
If you encounter any issues with IBM System Storage DS, contact® today and find out how we can help you with IBM System Storage DS Recovery. Our team of experts will work closely with you to recover your data and restore your business operations as quickly as possible.
If you’ve lost important data due to a hard drive failure, don’t panic! Contact Werecoverdata, the leading expert in hard drive data recovery.
With our advanced technology and years of professional experience, we can help retrieve your valuable information and get you back on track. Don’t wait any longer – take action now and contact us to see how we can assist you in recovering your lost data.
The world’s largest organizations rely on us to recover their data
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Experiencing data loss? You’re not alone. Our experts use cutting-edge technology to recover data from any storage device. Contact us for professional data recovery services.
HP HPE SAN Storage is a popular computer network software technology known for its RAID technology and high data protection. However, it can still encounter issues such as failed smart array controllers, staff errors, failed RAID rebuilds, and power surges. When facing such problems, it’s best to seek help from IT experts like WeRecoverData.
WeRecoverData offers various HP HPE SAN Storage Data Recovery services, including:
Deleted File Recovery
Multiple Hard Drive Failure Recovery
SAN Hardware Default
Corrupted Software
Our team of experts is equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and equipment to solve these issues and recover your important data.
We follow a process to meet every client’s needs, which includes analyzing the situation, providing solutions, securely retrieving the data, and delivering it to a substitute storage device of the client’s choice.
We also have a “No Data = No Recovery Fee” policy, assuring our clients of our commitment to delivering excellent service.
If you’re facing issues with your HP HPE SAN Storage, contact WeRecoverData and let our specialists help you with your HP HPE SAN Storage Data Recovery needs.
If you’ve lost important data or files, don’t panic! Contact WeRecoverData, the leading expert in data recovery.
With our advanced technology and years of professional experience, we can help retrieve your valuable information and get you back on track. Don’t wait any longer – take action now and contact us to see how we can assist you in recovering your lost data.
The world’s largest organizations rely on us to recover their data
Get Your Data Back Today!
Experiencing data loss? You’re not alone. Our experts use cutting-edge technology to recover data from any storage device. Contact us for professional data recovery services.
Synology NAS is created with the purpose of making storage and sharing of files within your local network quick and easy. Getting this technology allows you to directly access shared folders less the hassle of logging into DSM every time. Losing Data is never good especially for a business of all sizes for its equivalent to losing money. Even with high-end technology, data loss is a common scenario but not a dead end.
Common Reasons for NAS Data Loss
Deleted filesSometimes files are deleted unintentionally due to human error. Accidentally clicking the delete button, forgot that it’s still needed, or a simple miscommunication is very common.
Loss due to FormattingThere are circumstances of accidental formatting too or forgetting to create a back up before doing the format
Power failureThis, along with voltage fluctuations can cause problems to the NAS network memory and often results in data loss.
OverheatingInsufficient cooling in the server room or incorrect placement of the device in the office could cause overheating and might lead to drive failure.
Defective NAS controllersFaulty rebuilds or reorganizations, corrupt firmware, and operating system errors can also cause data loss.
Natural CatastrophesFire, water, and other natural calamities can destroy a NAS in seconds.
“I’ve already checked with another company; was told it’s hopeless”
If you have thought about encountered these scenarios in the past, fret not. It’s not hopeless until you have tried everything. Maybe they couldn’t do it but it doesn’t mean no one can. WeRecoverData is a team of technology experts that already established a name in the industry as they have helped a lot of world-renowned companies with their data recovery issues. If there is a need to develop technology for special cases, rest assured that WeRecoverData is capable of doing so.
“How much would it cost me to recover my important files?”
At WeRecoverData, data recovery fee depends on the media type, the amount of data and the physical condition of the file. It’s a case to case basis since our expert team can handle any type of complexities. However, our promise is that if we cannot recover your data there will not be a recovery charge. We have heard about many bad experiences from our customer’s who called for help from other companies but we take pride in our expertise and deliver results first. The evaluation is free with no obligation and we also offer flexible payment options.
“How long do I have to wait for my data to be recovered?”
The evaluation is usually done within 8-24 hours and most of the recoveries are finished within a day or two. Good news is we offer an expedited and 24/7 emergency evaluation and recovery option so just ask us when you need it. And if you want to discuss your options please feel free to contact us any time.
“Do I need to ship my NAS to you?”
Depending on your preference, you can ship it to us but please make sure to pack it securely to avoid further damage. Also, make sure that you attach or write your case number on the box. You will get a case number once you submitted a case on our website.
You also have the option to have as work on it onsite (your premises) and we can also do it remotely depending on the type of the problem or work involved. Want to know more? Call us now!
See us in action!
You’re in good company!
The world’s largest organizations rely on us to recover their data
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Experiencing data loss? You’re not alone. Our experts use cutting-edge technology to recover data from any storage device. Contact us for professional data recovery services.
NetGear ReadyNAS lets you have all your files in one place, ensuring that they are always secure but easy to access for you. NeatGear offers premium and reliable NAS devices for small to mid-sized businesses and consumers since 2007. But they have been in the market since 1996 with products that cover a variety of technologies focusing on reliability and ease of use. Primarily they are on the networking market catering both wired and wireless technologies.
There are 2 types of ReadyNas:
1. ReadyNAS Desktop Series
ReadyNAS devices are now faster and even more secure than ever. They have 5 levels of data protection, all-inclusive backup and recovery, and virtualized storage for the office. They offer 2-8 Drive Bays and 12TB-96TB Maximum Capacity. Here are some of their models.
RN212This ReadyNAS type has 2 bays with up to 24TB storage. RN212 is the industry’s first high-performance power and cost-efficient NAS that offers full HD 1080p transcoding capability.
RN516RN516 has 6 bays with up to 72TB storage. This model is a “High-End Office-Hub for Small and Medium Business”. NetGear even tagged it as the “Best Data Protection for SMB”.
RN628XOn the other hand, this model has 8 bays with up to 96TB storage. This model is a high-performance NAS based on Intel® Dual Core Server Processor and has built-in dual 10Gig Ethernet ports. Plus, it is the ideal professional desktop NAS system for small and medium-sized businesses.
2. ReadyNAS Rackmount Series
Netgear introduced the industry’s first 12 bay network attached storage solution in a 1u form factor, representing the highest storage density in the market. This series have the technology to rapidly recover the latest backup with full data reconstruction in the event of a catastrophe. ReadyNAS Rackmount Series provides a combination of NAS to NAS and cloud backup. This series is definitely confident of having the easiest backup configuration and ReadyNAS management for efficiency. It offers 4, 12 and 6 Drive Bays with 24TB-600TB Maximum Capacity. Here are some of its models:
RN628XRN628X has 4 bays with up to 48TB storage. This model has hot-swappable drives, web-managed replication for disaster recovery and can handle 1-40 users.
RR2312On the other hand, this model has 1u 12 bays with up to 144TB storage. RR2312 is the industry’s highest storage density in a 1U form factor. It’s the Ideal solution for high-performance storage, collaboration and data backup for small and medium-sized businesses. It can accommodate 40-80 users.
RR4360X or RR4360SA 10Gigabit 60-bay 1+ Petabyte Total Storage with Expansion. This model is the industry highest capacity data storage for SMBs. It also has the largest and most secure Data Protection for SMB. This model can accommodate 60-160 users.NetGear ReadyNAS indeed, uses state of the art technologies. However, these technological advancements still has limitations. There are still instances that data would be lost and in such events and WeRecoverData could come to your rescue. In fact, we have a service that is specifically called NetGear ReadyNAS Data Recovery.The evaluation is usually done within 8-24 hours and most recoveries are accomplished within a day or two. You have the option to ship your device to us, have us work on it on your premises or do the recovery remotely depending on the case. And if you are worried about the fees, well you don’t have to. If we cannot recover your data there will not be a recovery charge and the evaluation fee is free. We also offer flexible payment options. You can get in touch with one of our experts today. WeRecoverData is always much more than willing to attend to your needs.
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You’re in good company!
The world’s largest organizations rely on us to recover their data
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Experiencing data loss? You’re not alone. Our experts use cutting-edge technology to recover data from any storage device. Contact us for professional data recovery services.
Infortrend is a leading provider of high-performance network-attached storage (NAS) and storage area network (SAN) solutions designed to meet the demanding data storage and management needs of businesses around the world. These advanced storage systems offer excellent performance, scalability, and reliability, making them a popular choice for enterprises seeking to store, access, and protect their valuable data.
Despite the robust nature of Infortrend NAS/SAN systems, data loss can still occur due to various reasons such as hardware failure, accidental deletion, or software corruption. That’s where Infortrend NAS/SAN Data Recovery by WeRecoverData comes in. Our team of skilled technicians has extensive experience in successfully recovering data from Infortrend storage systems. Utilizing state-of-the-art tools and techniques, we can efficiently retrieve lost or inaccessible data while maintaining the utmost confidentiality and security.
At WeRecoverData, we often encounter a variety of data loss issues with Infortrend NAS/SAN systems, including but not limited to:
Accidental formatting
Multiple RAID drive failures
Data loss due to firmware updates
These are just a few examples of the many challenges we are equipped to handle. Our expert technicians are well-versed in addressing these issues and more, ensuring the highest likelihood of successful data recovery.
We stand by the quality of our services with a 100% Data Guarantee. This means that if we are unable to recover your data, you will not be charged any recovery fees. Our commitment to your satisfaction and peace of mind is at the core of our service, and we strive to deliver the best possible results for every client. Reach out to us today to experience our exceptional Infortrend NAS/SAN Data Recovery services.
If you’ve lost important data or files, don’t panic! Contact WeRecoverData, the leading expert in data recovery.
With our advanced technology and years of professional experience, we can help retrieve your valuable information and get you back on track. Don’t wait any longer – take action now and contact us to see how we can assist you in recovering your lost data.
The world’s largest organizations rely on us to recover their data
Get Your Data Back Today!
Experiencing data loss? You’re not alone. Our experts use cutting-edge technology to recover data from any storage device. Contact us for professional data recovery services.
Buffalo TeraStation has emerged as a popular Network Attached Storage (NAS) solution, offering users a convenient and efficient way to store and share data across various devices.
Buffalo TeraStation is a powerful and versatile NAS device designed to cater to the storage needs of both home users and businesses alike. With its impressive features such as RAID support, real-time data replication, and high-capacity storage, it has become a preferred choice for many. However, like any other storage device, Buffalo TeraStation is not immune to data loss due to various reasons like hardware failure, accidental deletion, or software issues.
At WeRecoverData, our skilled technicians are well-versed in Buffalo TeraStation Data Recovery, ensuring that your valuable data is retrieved with minimal downtime. We employ advanced tools and techniques to diagnose and address the root cause of data loss, restoring your files securely and efficiently. Our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data privacy and confidentiality guarantees that your data is in safe hands throughout the recovery process.
Some of the common issues we encounter during Buffalo TeraStation Data Recovery include:
Accidental Formatting: Unintentional formatting can lead to the deletion of critical files and data, leaving users in a difficult situation.
Multiple RAID Drive Failure: When two or more RAID drives fail simultaneously, it can result in significant data loss and system instability.
Firmware Update Complications: Sometimes, firmware updates can inadvertently cause data loss or corruption, affecting the functionality and accessibility of the stored data.
These are just a few examples of the challenges we face when performing Buffalo TeraStation Data Recovery. Our expert technicians are well-equipped to handle these and many other complex scenarios, ensuring the best possible outcome for your data recovery needs.
Don’t let data loss disrupt your workflow or personal memories. Trust WeRecoverData for all your Buffalo TeraStation Data Recovery needs, and experience the peace of mind that comes with professional, prompt, and reliable service.
If you’ve lost important data or files, don’t panic! Contact WeRecoverData, the leading expert in data recovery.
With our advanced technology and years of professional experience, we can help retrieve your valuable information and get you back on track. Don’t wait any longer – take action now and contact us to see how we can assist you in recovering your lost data.
The world’s largest organizations rely on us to recover their data
Get Your Data Back Today!
Experiencing data loss? You’re not alone. Our experts use cutting-edge technology to recover data from any storage device. Contact us for professional data recovery services.
Nowadays, the data storage market is on the rise. One of the best companies in the data industry is NetApp. This is the data authority for the hybrid cloud. They offer a full range of hybrid cloud data services that eases managing applications and more. One of its products is the NetApp RAID. For a brief explanation regarding RAID, it is a group consisting of one up to many data disks, wherein the data is striped and stored. Its feature also serves double-parity disk protection. This sophisticated technology is designed to suffice the needs and requirements of not only small but also large business groups and organizations.
Like all the data storage systems on the market today. There are instances that it may fail due to different kinds of but not limited to technical reasons only. Data loss is the most common technical problem in data storage systems. It is complicated because it can not only compromise your business operations but bring them to a halt. The most practical solution is to contact professionals. If you ever experience this problem, WeRecoverData is here to fix it. Here at WeRecoverData, we are a group of professionals who specializes in various IT services like data loss recovery. Being a pioneer in data loss recovery, we offer NetApp RAID Data Recovery and other types of data recovery services. These services include analyzing, troubleshooting, and performing the NetApp RAID Data Recovery.
It may be troublesome for your business but your NetApp RAID may come across problems like the following below:
Data Deletion – Accidentally deletion of data is very threatening to one’s business. Most especially if the deleted data contains valuable information and records of the business. It is one of the most common problems encountered on NetApp RAID. This is very troublesome if you don’t have a routine backup of your data. People and in some cases, businesses don’t follow certain data storage procedures and backup techniques. However, this problem is avoidable when you practice thorough data management.
Virus Attack – there are various kinds of new viruses that not only attacks computers but data storage as well. Connection to the worldwide network has great advantages but also opens up a potential data breach. Some viruses are attacks that targeted business databases, and deeply confidential information. One should always create a procedure and perform the backup of data in case a breach has occurred, to have it easily addressed and come up with a solution almost instantly.
Power Failure – We know that computers run on electricity and it is also the adversary of computing devices. Data storage is the most vulnerable since all the work and applications are being stored in it. Having a backup standard procedure alongside with backup power supply for data storage will increase your security in keeping your data safe.
Even though the above problems are threatening to data storage, it is controllable. With the right practice and standard procedures, it is preventable. We at WeRecoverDatawill not only help you recover your data. We also advise the best practices to keep your data safe. Consult our experts today and we will gladly assist you.
If you’ve lost important data due to a hard drive failure, don’t panic! Contact Werecoverdata, the leading expert in hard drive data recovery.
With our advanced technology and years of professional experience, we can help retrieve your valuable information and get you back on track. Don’t wait any longer – take action now and contact us to see how we can assist you in recovering your lost data.
The world’s largest organizations rely on us to recover their data
Get Your Data Back Today!
Experiencing data loss? You’re not alone. Our experts use cutting-edge technology to recover data from any storage device. Contact us for professional data recovery services.
HPE Nimble Storage is a top-tier data storage solution that provides unparalleled backup, archive, and disaster recovery for enterprise applications. Its predictive power proactively eliminates the app-data gap, ensuring 99.9999% availability. HPE Nimble Storage’s all-flash capacity per TB is one of the best in the industry.
However, even the most innovative data storage solutions like HPE Nimble Storage can experience data loss. When faced with such a problem, it’s always best to consult with professionals who can help you recover your data. While there are many services that offer HPE Nimble Storage Data Recovery, WeRecoverData stands out with its team of experts in the data recovery industry.
We use advanced technology, top-of-the-line equipment, and modern laboratories to provide efficient and professional data recovery services. Our expertise in working with file system formats at the lowest levels ensures a high success rate in data recovery.
We also practice a methodical delivery of services to ensure customer satisfaction. If we cannot retrieve your data, we have a Data Guarantee Policy that ensures you won’t be charged for our services.
If you’ve lost important data or files, don’t panic! Contact WeRecoverData, the leading expert in data recovery.
With our advanced technology and years of professional experience, we can help retrieve your valuable information and get you back on track. Don’t wait any longer – take action now and contact us to see how we can assist you in recovering your lost data.
The world’s largest organizations rely on us to recover their data
Get Your Data Back Today!
Experiencing data loss? You’re not alone. Our experts use cutting-edge technology to recover data from any storage device. Contact us for professional data recovery services.
HP LeftHand Storage RAID System is a highly efficient storage solution designed to meet the needs of modern businesses. However, like any other technology, it is not immune to failure, and data loss can happen. When faced with such a situation, it is crucial to trust your data to professionals who can recover it.
At®, we have the expertise, knowledge, and experience to recover data from HP LeftHand Storage RAID System. Our data recovery services are backed by advanced technology, top-of-the-line equipment, and a well-organized laboratory that ensures efficient and reliable data recovery.
What sets us apart from other data recovery companies is our methodical approach to data recovery. We work tirelessly to provide professional and friendly customer service to our clients and keep them satisfied.
Moreover, we offer a Data Guarantee Policy, which means that we won’t charge you if we can’t retrieve your data. You can rest assured that we’ll do everything we can to recover your data and return it to you safely.
So, if you encounter any data loss or malfunction with your HP LeftHand Storage RAID System, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you recover your valuable data and get your business back on track.
If you’ve lost important data or files, don’t panic! Contact WeRecoverData, the leading expert in data recovery.
With our advanced technology and years of professional experience, we can help retrieve your valuable information and get you back on track. Don’t wait any longer – take action now and contact us to see how we can assist you in recovering your lost data.
The world’s largest organizations rely on us to recover their data
Get Your Data Back Today!
Experiencing data loss? You’re not alone. Our experts use cutting-edge technology to recover data from any storage device. Contact us for professional data recovery services.
IBM Storwize is a leading data storage solution that offers powerful and high-performance solutions for businesses of all sizes. It provides flexible and efficient storage options for any workload, making it a popular choice among small, midsize, and large organizations.
However, like any other data storage system, IBM Storwize may experience unforeseen failures or technical problems that can compromise your business and result in data loss. In such cases, it’s crucial to consult with professionals who can provide the necessary expertise and support to recover your data.
At WeRecoverData, we specialize in IBM Storwize SAN Data Recovery and offer comprehensive services to help you recover your data and restore your business operations. We provide troubleshooting and data recovery solutions to get your system up and running as quickly as possible. With our expertise and experience, you can rest assured that your data is in good hands.
If you encounter any data loss or technical problems with your IBM Storwize family models, you can trust WeRecoverData to help you recover your data. Our team of specialists is experienced and equipped to manage data recovery for all IBM Storwize models, including:
IBM Storwize V7000F: We can help you troubleshoot and recover data in case of multi-drive failures due to various reasons like firmware, heat, electronic failure, mechanical failure, or human error.
IBM Storwize V7000: This model offers advanced features like internal virtualization, thin provisioning, data migration, IBM Easy Tier®, system clustering, remote mirroring, real-time compression, and external virtualization. We can help you with any data loss issues or technical problems you may encounter while using this model.
IBM Storwize V5030F: This model comes with advanced features like data reduction pools with thin provisioning, deduplication, unmap, virtualization of internal storage, data migration, remote mirroring, compression, external virtualization, encryption, and IBM Easy Tier®. We can help you troubleshoot and recover data in case of any issues you may encounter while using this model.
IBM Storwize V5000: This model offers features like internal virtualization, thin provisioning, data migration, system clustering, FlashCopy (4,096 images), IBM Easy Tier®, remote mirroring, and external virtualization. We can help you recover data in case of any data loss or technical issues you may encounter while using this model.
IBM Storwize V3700: This model has features like internal virtualization, thin provisioning, data migration, FlashCopy (64 images per system), remote mirroring, IBM Easy Tier®, and turbo performance. We can help you troubleshoot and recover data in case of any issues you may encounter while using this model.
While data loss and technical problems may not happen frequently with IBM Storwize family models, it’s important to be proactive and prepared for any unforeseen circumstances. Reading guidelines and information about these kinds of software is a good practice, but self-troubleshooting and hoping for the best may not always be effective. In some cases, it may lead to further complications and data loss.
If you’ve lost important data due to a hard drive failure, don’t panic! Contact Werecoverdata, the leading expert in hard drive data recovery.
With our advanced technology and years of professional experience, we can help retrieve your valuable information and get you back on track. Don’t wait any longer – take action now and contact us to see how we can assist you in recovering your lost data.
The world’s largest organizations rely on us to recover their data
Get Your Data Back Today!
Experiencing data loss? You’re not alone. Our experts use cutting-edge technology to recover data from any storage device. Contact us for professional data recovery services.
Dell EqualLogic is a highly reliable storage system that offers enterprise power with everyday simplicity. However, despite its reputation for dependability, there are times when it fails due to various reasons, such as physical hard drive failure or human error. When it comes to technical problems, it’s always best to consult professionals who have the expertise to diagnose and solve the problem.
At WeRecoverData, our highly skilled data recovery professionals have extensive experience in recovering data from Dell EqualLogic SANs. Whether it’s due to physical damage, logical corruption, or any other reason, we can help you retrieve your lost data quickly and efficiently.
When it comes to technical problems, it is best to consult professionals! WeRecoverData can help you with the following Dell EqualLogic Data Recovery Services:
Multi-Drive Failure Recovery: Multi-drive failure is a common problem that can cause data loss. Our team of specialists can manage to fix this issue by identifying the cause of the failure such as firmware or manufacturer faults, high heat or temperature of the unit, electronic failure, mechanical or internal failure, and human error. We use advanced techniques and tools to recover your data and bring your system back to life.
Deleted Virtual Machines Recovery: A virtual machine is an operating system or application environment that runs on software that imitates dedicated hardware. Accidentally deleting a virtual machine can cause data loss. Don’t panic! We can help you recover different types of virtual machines from various data loss situations. Our experts will safely retrieve your virtual machine and ensure that no data is lost.
Corrupted ISCSI Lun’s Recovery: A network disconnection or an unexpected shutdown can cause file system corruption in ISCSI LUNs. This is a challenging issue to fix, but our team of professionals can help you deal with the recovery of a failed ISCSI LUN. We use reliable tools to recover your entire volume and fix the issue to provide you with high-quality service.
Failure of SAN Hardware: Storage Area Network (SAN) is a specialized, high-speed network that provides block-level network access to storage. The failure of SAN hardware can cause compatibility issues, exceeding capacity limits, and incorrect configuration or zoning. Our team has the proper knowledge and expertise to identify and fix this type of issue. We use advanced tools and techniques to recover your data and bring your system back to its original state.
WeRecoverData has years of experience and a proven track record in Dell EqualLogic Data Recovery Services. Our team of experts is committed to providing you with the best possible solution to your data recovery needs.
How do we do it?
At WeRecoverData, we have a streamlined data recovery process for Dell EqualLogic devices. Once the client approves the evaluation results and we finalize the data recovery process, we provide them with a list of recovered files to identify the critical data.
After that, we provide the recovered data on an alternative storage device of the customer’s choice. The data can be shipped back securely or made available to download.
“No Data = No Recovery Fee” is Our Data Recovery Guarantee Policy. This ensures that our clients only pay for the recovered data they need.
So if you’re experiencing any Dell EqualLogic data loss issues, don’t hesitate to contact our professionals to discuss your recovery options today!
If you’ve lost important data due to a hard drive failure, don’t panic! Contact Werecoverdata, the leading expert in hard drive data recovery.
With our advanced technology and years of professional experience, we can help retrieve your valuable information and get you back on track. Don’t wait any longer – take action now and contact us to see how we can assist you in recovering your lost data.
The world’s largest organizations rely on us to recover their data
Get Your Data Back Today!
Experiencing data loss? You’re not alone. Our experts use cutting-edge technology to recover data from any storage device. Contact us for professional data recovery services.
Data is defined as the collection of facts such as observations, words, numbers, measurement and a lot more. These facts are interpreted into something that can only be processed by computers and new technology.
Nowadays that almost all of the businesses depend on technology, it is only important to make sure to have data security measures and back-up plans ready in case of an emergency. It is a must to not forget that these technologies are vulnerable too. Different digital trends and discoveries are truly wonderful but if we failed on not getting the facts straight, our highly-digitalized world can crumble down to pieces with just one wrong move.
For businesses, your data is at risk every single day. It is a must to remember that these data are not just simply data. Every business owners need to know how much important every single bit of these files are to their business. Data loss is expensive more than you can even imagine. Business owners should seriously imprint in on their minds that if they want to make sure that their business will be successful if they only have effective data security and back-up plan whatever may happen.
We live in a very fast-changing world and every business owners should definitely stay up to date. Whatever field your business may be in, for sure, you will need to create data. These things have been changing our world in different manners. It has a big impact on us and we only just fail to realize it. At times, it helps in curing a disease, boosting business’ revenue, save a life and a lot more than we can imagine. Data is literally just another term for information but for computers, it refers to something that only they can understand. Thus, as much as we use and create data without even understanding its concept, we should at least know how to take care of them for our own good. But before all of that, here are some questions for a business owner like you.
Do you know what business information is and how it works?
If you answer “No” to this one, you might be in for some big trouble or you might already be in one. As a business owner, you should definitely make sure that you will only know your business’ effectiveness if you know about this fact. With consistent data collection, a business will be able to track the improvement and the future of the business.
What Databases are for?
In the simplest form, databases are the collection of all the information collected that can be easily accessed, work into, managed and updated. The information or data that can be collected ranges from the company profile, marketing strategies and activity, customer profiles, product inventory, sales transactions and even future plans of the business. Databases are known for making a business more powerful, effective and productive, especially on creating profits for the company. As a business owner databases it one of the most critical parts of your business you must be aware of because it literally transcribes to how your business process works.
How Crucial is Input Database Systems?
With the invention of the computer, input data base systems have been a vital process in every business. Using varieties of computer software such as Office Excel, Office Word, Google Drive and a lot more to produce and save certain information is already part of every existing business. As the business grows it becomes more and more complex, but it does not matter how big it is, the amount of risk about your information will always be the same as every bit of your data is so much important.
Do you know how much Sensitive Your Data is?
Every bit of data can create a big impact on your business. Thus, it is really important for you to know how much it is sensitive. Your business will be nothing without its core information. Suffering from any kind of data breach or data loss will surely create a serious impact on your management and business processes. As a business owner, you need to be aware of the risks lurking around your business information.
As technology continues to improve and lead different industries to success, you can only imagine how much data there is all around the world. As a business owner, threats and risks to your data and information get also higher and higher. Information technology enthusiasts have come up with the term ‘data risk’. This term often involves several failures in computer systems such as security, transmission, use and in storage.
These risks are known as mainly compliance risks, data breach, data loss, data rot, deanonymization, dark data risk, data corruption, data remanence, data sovereignty, regulatory risk, privacy, and security. However, aside from this, there are also physical risks that you can definitely avoid through simple acts.
According to the National Cyber Security Alliance’s board member, Roland Coutier, these are some of the things every startups and business owners must simply do to provide security for their business.
Using A Heavy Password
The simplest thing you can do as a business owner is to make sure that you are using a heavy password to any of your personal accounts. A heavy password is a mix of numbers, symbols, upper case, and lower case letters and has to be 8 characters and above. The most common mistakes that people do according to Microsoft is using your surname and birth date as the password or using characters close to each other in the keyboard.
Choosing a Strong Firewall
Along with technology, another thing that also plays a vital role in the business is the internet. But as much as it is helpful, there are just many dangers involving it. Thus, if you wanted a secure and protected network, choosing a strong firewall is definitely a must.
Installing An Antivirus Software
Another fundamental thing that not just every business owner but every gadget enthusiast must do, install antivirus software. It has become a basic thing but you should definitely take it in a serious note. Choose an effective antimalware and make sure that it will really help your device work well.
Upgrading Your Laptop
Although PCs are much preferable at work, there are just times that laptops are more preferable especially when you have to work at different places. However, because of this quality, they are more prone to risks. Thus, it is very essential to level up your laptop security to ensure that your files are safe. The simplest thing to do is to encrypt your phone. Encryption software will help you secure your files by putting a password in the hard drive and without it, it can never be accessed.
Leveling Up Your Programs
Another necessary thing to remember in securing your laptop or your personal computer is ensuring that all of your device’s software is up to date. Most software continues to upgrade their system, thus you must not miss the chance to explore it at its best.
Reducing the Risks in Your Mobile Phones
As smartphones continue to upgrade and level-up, most people nowadays rely on them so much. With the computer applications being available on these phones too, even business often use their phones than their personal computers to manage their businesses. Thus, securing them is also absolutely a must. Aside from ensuring a strong password is activated, they should also be encrypted.
Regularly Backing-up Files
Another thing to avoid data loss is securing a regular back-up schedule for your devices. It can really cause you a headache if you happen to lose an important file. Thus, the best thing to do is to keep another file in hardware or in a type of cloud storage. However, there is an important note you need to remember. Complete backing up of files should be at least weekly while incremental backups should be done every time you are done for the day. Compromising your data is a big no. If a sudden data loss happens, your business might end up facing a lot of problems.
Installing a Data-leakage Prevention Software
This is one of the simplest steps to secure data and yet, people always happen to forget and miss this step. If you want your data to be well-monitored, awesome data-leakage prevention software is absolutely needed to be installed on your personal computer. And as Chief Security Officer for ADP, Roland Coutier, says, “All this great technology […] is no good unless you actually use it. You have to have someone be accountable for it,”
Be a Smart internet User
Do not let all of your efforts all went to waste. The internet is absolutely helpful in many ways but it can bring a lot of dangers too, most especially on your personal files. It is not a shocking scene anymore that some of your employees would accidentally download a file not knowing that the whole thing is nothing but some kind of malware. The best thing to take note of is that, never ever click a link that you are never expecting or you do not even recognize. According to the Senior Director of the Vulnerability Research Team in a cybersecurity company, Matt Watchinski, “[You] should take every “warning box” that appears on [your] screen seriously and understand that every new piece of software comes with its own set of security vulnerabilities.”.
It’s Not Just You but the Whole Company
As the head and the leader of your company, you should definitely be educated about all of this stuff. However, it must not be only you; you should also make it a point to educate your employees. It is crucial that everyone in your company is aware of the risk of data security and how it can be prevented. Wattchinski reminds that “Educating them about what they are doing and why it is dangerous is a more effective strategy than expecting your IT security staff to constantly react to end users’ bad decisions,”
This is the basic list in preventing higher-data risks for your business in terms of your computer systems and software. However, data risks do not end there. There are also physical risks that you can definitely prevent if you have the right knowledge.
Aside from protecting your data in your devices internally, it is also important to remember about the external risks that everyday life brings. Whether you are a dedicated entrepreneur or a free-lancer, you would not know what could possibly happen, from natural disasters up to accidents. Thus, your data should always be safe and secured no matter what. You do not want to put all of your hard work into waste, right?
Ensuring that Your Computer is Fully Equipped
Natural disasters like thunderstorms and heavy rains often cause sudden power loss. And of course, it is harmful to your computer, more importantly if you are currently working on a project. Thus, you should definitely invest in equipping your computer with necessary apparatus such as UPS or uninterruptible power supply. This small apparatus can keep your computer running for quite sometime before the power is completely gone. It will give you a little time to save your files and properly shut down your computer.
Using Another Hard Drive
Regular computer users often satisfy themselves on the hard drive installed on their computer. However, it has always been suggested to use and install a second hard drive. With tow hard drives on your computer, you can use the first one for installing all of the software, and the second one will serve as the place for your data. With this, you can even remove it again and install it on another computer if you happen to encounter a problem with it.
The Basics of Removing a Hard Drive
If you happen to follow the step above, then it is only a must for you to know the basics of properly removing a hard drive, most especially when a natural disaster strikes and you need to quickly get all of your files. Because more likely, if you do not know how to, you would have to bring your whole CPU, which sounds pretty hard to do.
Lifting Your Computer Up a Little
If you happen to be in a place where floods are common and inevitable, you should definitely consider on putting your computer on a much higher ground than the normal. If you have a room upstairs, it would be better to place it there so you won’t really have to worry about it that much all the time.
Securing Offsite Backups
Probably one of the best things to prevent data loss is to have offsite data backups. This means that other than backing it up on another hard drive, you should definitely put it on different location away from your computer. With that, you can ensure that even if your computer suffers from any kind of accident or disaster, it will still be safe.
Copying it to Cloud
Another trick that would surely work as an effective data loss prevention step is to copy all of your data to the cloud. The most basic application you can use to store your data online is Google Drive. Just remember to keep it safe by using a strong password to your email account to prevent hackers or your competitor from stealing all of your business data.
An Always Ready Emergency Plan
Although this step is highly neglected, this is still probably the most significant of all especially if you have a large database to keep safe. An always ready emergency plan will surely help you minimize any kind of damage from accident or disaster and will help you recover all of your files without effort.
With all of these being said, we could only hope that your data will always be safe and secured with the help of this internal and external security measures. However, as much as these accidents are inevitable, rest assured that if you happen to lose your files, there are professional data recovery specialists that can help you.
Although you might probably be busy in improving and planning for the betterment of your business, you should never forget to treat every bit of your files just as important. Understanding the importance of your business data and database is one of the most significant things to make sure that your business is on the right path. It is the central part of each business and losing it in whatever way will surely cause some trouble. Making sure that it is always safe rather than being problematic in the future sounds more right. But no matter what happens, if you could not really help it, expect that there’s always a group of data specialist that can provide a solution for your data loss.
The Power of Easy to Use Data Tools
Collecting data won’t have much of an impact on your organization without the ability to analyze it. The right software and tools can make all the difference in the world and prevent you from sifting through mountains of numbers in an un-productive manner.
The key is to make sure that your data tools are making analysis easier and not more complicated. Here are a few things to consider as you go about selecting the right program for your organization.
Understand Your Need
It’s important to have a firm understanding on your software requirements. This includes the types of data you are looking to evaluate, and what type of results you want. It means having a well-thought-out plan and knowing how the data fits in to organizational execution.
This can help you better articulate your criteria to stakeholders and the software companies during your search.
It’s important to know what tasks you want the software to perform. You’ll need software that can handle the quantities and types of data that you are working with. Make sure you think ahead, with a specific idea of the projected growth of your data set. If you’ll have larger amounts of data in the future, that’s important information to consider now.
Industry Standard File Formats
If a data software program uses a proprietary or non-standard file format, compatibility with other software, machines, and networks will quickly become an issue. You may find it impossible to exchange data within your organization.
Other divisions in your company may use different software formats. There’s no value in analyzing data when you can’t easily share the results with others. Compatibility issues can also prevent you from being able to analyze other corporate data.
If you need to save large amounts of data, the ability to save in a binary format will also help.
Ease of Use
You should be able to quickly import data from other locations when you start with new data analysis software. You should also have access to a spreadsheet, or basic data entry form that you can use for keyboard entry. It can take time to learn the advanced features on a large program, but the basic functions should be intuitive.
You Should Still Probably Have a Basic Understanding of Data Analysis
The power of computers and software applications have made data analysis immeasurably easier and more convenient over the years. Complex processes can be performed at the push of a button. But there’s no arguing with the fact that someone who knows how to analyze the information in front of them will harness a lot more power.
Anyone can click a few buttons and perform some basic functions. But without a strong foundation and intimate understanding of analysis, you may not get the most out of this information. You wouldn’t expect the electrician to fix a burst pipe. It can be unrealistic to expect someone within your organization who doesn’t have a data analysis background to get the most insight from the numbers.
Make sure you take in the complete picture as you consider new data analysis software for your organization. The tools you use for this job will go a long way in determining how successful you are in meeting your objectives.
The Seduction of Data
For many, pouring over data to receive an up-to-the-minute update on how your business is performing can be addicting. They need this data to make informed decisions, but the types of data they pay attention to is critical.
For instance, it’s important to steer clear of vanity metrics that don’t really give you much information about how your business is performing. That can be website traffic, page views, or social media likes and shares. These metrics don’t give us any insight on how to improve our business.
Now, if a business chooses to look at website conversions and social media referrals, those data sets may have more impact on the financial health of your company, and how it can grow. When you pay attention to the right data, it can have a tremendous impact.
Clean, Unbiased Data
It helps to define the type of data that might be useful to your company. The more specific you can be, the better. It also helps to understand who will be in charge of managing specific metadata. Problems in communication within the c-suite can lead to companies collecting too much data, or redundant data sets.
You can use automation techniques to collect this information, and save your staff a tremendous amount of time. Putting in your work early to keep the data organized can make it easier in the long run.
How Much Data You Analyze Matters
It’s critical to understand when a dataset is large enough, and extraneous data points hold no bearing on the results. Experimenting, and adding data incrementally can offer insights on when this is the case. Companies can also set limits and only collect the types of data that they will need to analyze down the road.
Our increased ability to collect data hasn’t been matched with an understanding of how to filter it. As the mountain of data gets larger, it’s no longer as easy to mine it for the most useful information – unless you know exactly what you’re looking for. When you have clear control of your objectives, it’s easier to look for the proper supporting data, but it doesn’t always happen in that order.
Companies can also do more to map out the data that’s already within their confines. This can present a clearer picture of who has access to what. This step can prevent multiple employees from within a company purchasing or working with the same data sets, and reduce organizational redundancies.
The Human Touch
Data is an excellent way to remove the footprint of human bias and emotion. It can help detect patterns and establish factors we’d otherwise never consider. But human input is still critical in the decision-making process. Humans can detect nuances and see multiple steps into the future.
The evolution of data and machine learning is powerful, but it’s that human touch that can truly drive innovation. Situations may arise where a data-driven recommendation may need to be overruled. The numbers may work against what we know about human interactions. What we do with the numbers still requires a higher level of creativity.
Evaluating data without any regards to the end plan can be counterproductive. But refining your organization’s approach can make a significant impact on your efforts.
How Big is Big Data?
Think about the number of people who shop at your local Wal-Mart. The lot is typically full and the lines are typically long. The store keeps expanding its inventory and selling everything from blueberries to books. There are thousands of transactions logged in a day and millions in a year.Now, think about all the transactions at Wal-Marts nationwide. Then, consider Internationally. In 2017, Wal-Mart operated more than 11,000 stores throughout the world. Each of the transactions from every store provide a myriad of data.
Now, zoom out even further. Think about the entire big box retail industry. Think about healthcare, and the financial industry. Think about real estate, construction, transportation, and eCommerce. Think about the information we disclose about ourselves on social media. There’s a lot of data out there and the amount put into the world is growing by the second.
Defining Big Data
Big data is really in the eye of the beholder. What one person considers big data another may consider a normal set. One definition of big data may be any data set distributed on multiple systems.
Let’s say we have a spreadsheet with all our previous customers going back to the beginning of our company. Every time we’ve backed that list up on multiple devices, we’re distributing across multiple systems and using big data, by that definition. Most people wouldn’t consider this to be the case.
There are multiple ways to think about it, and it’s hard to set clear restrictions. On the other hand, there are some common statistics that will illustrate just how much data is out there. Big data is tough to define, but easy to picture in the abstract.
Big Data is Really, Really Big
Below are a few statistics that will give you an idea just how big we’re talking about.
Research group IDC predicts that the world will be creating 163 zettabytes of data a year by 2025. The current rate is 16.3 zettabytes. (A zettabyte is one trillion gigabytes.)
For Prime Day, Amazon sold more than 600 items per second. If that doesn’t sound like much to you, it equates to 36,000 items in a minute, or 2.16 million items in an hour. That’s 51.84 million for the day.
Five new Facebook profiles are created every second. That’s 300 per minute or 18,000 in an hour. This equates to 432,000 in a day.
All of this is to say there is a considerable amount of data out there and it is growing exponentially fast. This should give you an idea of how big, big data can really be. No matter how you define it, the information created from the above examples would qualify as big data.
What Data is Right for You?
It’s no longer enough to guess when you need to make decisions regarding your business. Big data and analytics software allow organizations to make more informed decisions by reviewing the numbers.
Reviewing all the data that’s available would be a giant waste of time and prevent you from ever moving forward. It is possible to get so sucked into the numbers that you feel paralyzed in your decision-making capability. But if you evaluate the data that truly makes sense for your business, it can do you a tremendous amount of good.
It helps to have demographic information regarding your potential clients, and those who have already bought. It helps to know the direction that your industry is trending and where you fit in. Analyzing the right information can help your organization succeed in today’s economy.
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